Host Agency Inquiry
Firstline Leadership Development Series
Principles of 21st Century Police Leadership
Principles of 21st Century Leadership is course one of three in the LEO Firstline Leadership Development Series. The main objective of this course is to introduce participants to a wide range of practical leadership concepts aimed at fostering personal leadership growth in first line leaders in law enforcement, corrections, communications, and other law enforcement support roles. The course covers various topics including:
Steps of self-development
What is self-leadership?
Understanding your strengths and weaknesses
Adaptability and resilience
Focus and motivation
SMART goals
Developing, understanding, and implementing personal values
Leadership vision
Levels of leadership
Leadership styles
Toxic leadership challenges
Adapting to change
Leading through change
AUDIENCE: This class is intended for sergeants, corporals, field training officers (FTOs), those intending to promote to a position as a first line supervisor, and other first line supervisors in LE support positions.
He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still. – Lao Tzu
Principles of 21st Century
Management and Supervision
Principles of 21st Century Management and Supervision is course two of three in the LEO Firstline Leadership Development Series. The main objective of this course is to introduce participants to a wide range of practical management and supervision concepts aimed at fostering personal growth in supervision and management in first line leaders in law enforcement, corrections, communications, and other law enforcement support roles. The course covers various topics including:
Understanding Civil Liability Related to Inadequate Leadership, Management, and Supervision
Managing in a Law Enforcement Agency
Challenges of Law Enforcement Management
Types of Management
What is Supervision?
Effects of Inadequate Law Enforcement Supervision
Difficulties of Supervising Law Enforcement Officers
Types of Supervision
Performance Evaluations
Key Aspects of Effective Supervision
Understanding Discipline, Recognition, and Reward
Coaching, Counseling, and Mentoring
Building Credibility
Addressing Difficult Employees
Addressing Performance Problems and Problem Employees
Six Law Enforcement Leadership Communication Skills
9 Elements of Communication for Law Enforcement Leaders
Common Communication Problems
Effective Internal and External Communication
Ethical Decision-making
Consequences of Poor Ethical Decision-making
Human-Centered Design Mindset
Understanding Generational Differences
Supervising Generational Differences
Generational Similarities
Managing and Motivating a Diverse Team
Managing Organizational Politics and Power Dynamics
Managing and Leading through Organizational Restructuring
AUDIENCE: This class is intended for sergeants, corporals, field training officers (FTOs), those intending to promote to a position as a first line supervisor, and other first line supervisors in LE support positions.​​
"Take care of your employees and they will take care of your business. It's as simple as that" -Sir Richard Branson
Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of Stress on Law Enforcement
Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of Stress on Law Enforcement is course three of three in the LEO Firstline Leadership Development Series. The main objective of this course is to introduce participants to a wide range of concepts aimed at improving organizational health, wellness, and culture through an understanding of the effects of stress on law enforcement and support services personnel. The course covers various topics including:
Formal police culture and informal police culture
Police role and officer’s social identity
Pre-employment trauma and work experiences
Effect of stress on the human body
Levels of stress
Types of stress
The fight or flight response
Effects of work-related stress on law enforcement
Organizational stress
Operational stress
Stress and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Stress and depression
Stress and cardiovascular disease
Stress and alcoholism
Stress and interpersonal violence
Stress and suicides
Work-related stress and turnover
Work-related stress and shift work
Work-related stress and absenteeism
Stress management interventions
Stress and organizational structure, organizational context, and organizational control
Work-life balance
Benefits of work-life balance
Consequences of imbalanced work-life dynamic
Strategies for achieving work-life balance